The Historical archaeology, society, history and state relations between archaeology and urban anthropology

The case of the garbage


  • Soccorso Volpe Centro Estudos em Arqueologia Histórica, Faculdade de Humanidades e Artes, Universidade Nacional de Rosar



Rosario, Garbage dumps, Urban archaeology, Barrios de la Quema


The archaeological record, as we know, is not a direct indicator of daily activities, it is a record that is generally discarded, abandoned or no longer used or recycled depending on the material condition of said record. Hence, the concepts of deposition contexts and socio-cultural contexts are used. In this case we will analyze the corresponding deposition context of the site popularly called La Basurita, the old Garbage Dump of the city of Rosario. Although in this place are the waste produced by the city between the years 1870-1890 in the same place since the installation of the Dump, a large and anonymous population lived and interacted with the waste thrown there, producing changes in the registry; that if we did not take this situation into account we could interpret them wrongly.


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Author Biography

Soccorso Volpe, Centro Estudos em Arqueologia Histórica, Faculdade de Humanidades e Artes, Universidade Nacional de Rosar




How to Cite

Volpe, S. (2021). The Historical archaeology, society, history and state relations between archaeology and urban anthropology: The case of the garbage. Teoría Y Práctica De La Arqueología Histórica Latinoamericana, 12(1), 71–86.