Events on topics and problems of the past treated in different periods. Contributions to the history of Argentine science


  • Mariano Ramos Universidad Nacional de Luján. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales. Programa de Arqueología Histórica y Estudios Pluridisciplinarios (ProArHEP). Luján; Buenos Aires; Argentina.



Archaeological themes, National Congresses, History of science, Context


This work makes a review of the communications presented to each National Congress of Argentine Archeology, from the first in 1970 to the most recent. I select some of those congresses and compose a sample, from which I take a set of topics presented at different events. The general objective points towards the analysis of the topics, which include research results, the application of techniques and other resources used and reflections on epistemological, theoretical and methodological aspects. I group and classify these topics and proceed to analyze them in the different contexts in which science develops. At the end I make a brief evaluation of the historical, social and political contexts in which certain cases -themes and problems- dealt with in some stages of the History of Argentine science are framed.


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How to Cite

Ramos, M. . (2020). Events on topics and problems of the past treated in different periods. Contributions to the history of Argentine science. Teoría Y Práctica De La Arqueología Histórica Latinoamericana, 10(1), 9–31.