Approach to the figure of Joaquín Víctor González based on the analysis of the historical-cultural heritage of the Samay Huasi farm (Chilecito, La Rioja)


  • Camila Oliva Ceramic Analysis Laboratory FCNyM-UNLP; Center for Regional Archaeological Studies-FHUMyAR-UNR
  • María Carlota Sempé Ceramic Analysis Laboratory FCNyM-UNLP
  • Fernando Oliva Ceramic Analysis Laboratory FCNyM-UNLP; Center for Regional Archaeological Studies-FHUMyAR-UNR



Asset analysis;, Samay Huasi, Memory, J. V. González


Based on the study of the historical and cultural heritage of the Samay Huasi Estate - located in the district of San Miguel, municipality of Chilecito, La Rioja - we analyze the figure of Joaquín Víctor González, illustrious politician, jurist, educator and freemason, whose actions had a profound impact in the modern conformation of the institutions of the Argentine State. To do this, we start from the study of the historical and cultural heritage of the Samay Huasi Estate, property of the National University of La Plata, located in the San Miguel district of the Chilecito department, La Rioja. The cultural assets present in it have an important heritage value, material and immaterial, whose meanings we delve into in this writing, for which we survey monuments, plaques and commemorative supports located on the property, considered as supports of its memory and identity. Here we present the analysis of him and his written work, as well as the tributes and articles that dealt with him, made by his contemporaries and later generations. His Samay Huasi farm, donated during his lifetime to the National University of La Plata, represents a historical heritage, managed by this institution since 1941. We hope that the results presented here contribute to the enhancement of the existing heritage on the farm and the appropriation of that knowledge by the local community.


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Author Biographies

Camila Oliva, Ceramic Analysis Laboratory FCNyM-UNLP; Center for Regional Archaeological Studies-FHUMyAR-UNR


María Carlota Sempé, Ceramic Analysis Laboratory FCNyM-UNLP


Fernando Oliva, Ceramic Analysis Laboratory FCNyM-UNLP; Center for Regional Archaeological Studies-FHUMyAR-UNR



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How to Cite

Oliva, C., Sempé, M. C., & Oliva, F. (2023). Approach to the figure of Joaquín Víctor González based on the analysis of the historical-cultural heritage of the Samay Huasi farm (Chilecito, La Rioja). Teoría Y Práctica De La Arqueología Histórica Latinoamericana, 17(1), 21–40.

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