

  • Ana Rocchietti Centro de Esatudios en Arqueología Histórica, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina.
  • Cristina Pasquali Center for Studies in Historical Archeology, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, National University of Rosario, Province of Santa Fe, Argentina.




The current issue of Theory and Practice of Latin American Historical Archeology is focused from the perspective of specific case studies, outlining both the possibilities offered by the spectrum of archaeological sites in this discipline and the methodological characteristics displayed by its researchers. Thus, the reader can approach archeology of temples, cemeteries, factories, sea lion farms, rural establishments, old frontier spaces, funerary heritage in a city and historical situations of local conflicts. Can it be inferred that the nature of the records is scattered? Not necessarily: it expresses its versatility. Ana Rocchietti Director In this second volume of the year 2021 we present a series of articles that were part of the presentations of the IX Symposium of Latin American Historical Archeology held virtually in November 2020. Studies on material and documentary records that problematize border and rural spaces, estancias, are presented. , industrial landscapes, cities and cemeteries in time frames that range from the colonial period to the beginning of the 20th century. It also presents the patrimonial treatment of a colonial temple duly declared a National Historic Monument. Cristina Pasquali Secretary                


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Author Biographies

Ana Rocchietti, Centro de Esatudios en Arqueología Histórica, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina.


Cristina Pasquali, Center for Studies in Historical Archeology, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, National University of Rosario, Province of Santa Fe, Argentina.




How to Cite

Rocchietti, A., & Pasquali, C. (2021). Editorial. Teoría Y Práctica De La Arqueología Histórica Latinoamericana, 13(1), 7. https://doi.org/10.35305/tpahl.v1i13.124

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