La portería del Colegio Máximo de la Compañía (Córdoba, Argentina). Los recursos para su interpretación


  • Josefina Piana Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Córdoba; Argentina.
  • Melina Malandrino Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Córdoba; Argentina.



Jesuits, paraquaria, Maximum College, recovery


The purpose of this paper is the porter´s lodge of the Maximum College of the Society of Jesus in Córdoba; this room is placed in the base of the south tower of the Church, it was the only entrance to the Order’s College and Novitiate. The objective is to identify the function and the building techniques of the jesuit period. In spite of the diverse activities being hold there since 1767, this section has not suffered any meaningful interventions since the XVII century. And yet in this case, it was possible to access to the corresponding written registers. In 2012, the UNC returned this place to the Society of Jesus and the investigation and recovery task began. In the first stage, the graphic and written documentation was gathered and analyzed (from XVII till XX century); the second stage consisted in the application of the typical protocols of the historical archaeology to contrast the information. In this paper, the results were analyzed, jointly with the possibilities that this place provides for site interpretation.


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How to Cite

Piana , J. ., & Malandrino, M. . (2020). La portería del Colegio Máximo de la Compañía (Córdoba, Argentina). Los recursos para su interpretación. Teoría Y Práctica De La Arqueología Histórica Latinoamericana, 5(1), 45–53.