Paisajes y pircas:

transformaciones y continuidades en la serranía El Alto-Ancasti (Catamarca, Argentina): siglos XIX-XX. Un estudio preliminar


  • Antonela Nagel Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. CONICET-Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigación y Transferencia de Catamarca. Catamarca; Argentina.



El Alto-Ancasti Mountains, Century XIX-XX., Cultural Landscape, Historic Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology


El Alto Ancasti mountains, are located at the North East of Catamarca province. To the East, they limit with the Chaco-Santiagueña plain, and to the West with the central Valle. Archaeologically, the works have been focused on the Pre-Hispanic period and there were few in relation to the moment of contact or recent history.The landscape, show us extensive “pircados” (Stone walls) and “puestos” (rural houses) like ancient reminiscent about agricultural and cattle-breeding production in the region. Their materiality is contrasted with those of the VII-VIII D.C. The present paper analyses preliminary this landscape materiality and argue its origin like local production units from at least XIX-XX century.


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How to Cite

Nagel, A. (2020). Paisajes y pircas:: transformaciones y continuidades en la serranía El Alto-Ancasti (Catamarca, Argentina): siglos XIX-XX. Un estudio preliminar. Teoría Y Práctica De La Arqueología Histórica Latinoamericana, 7(1), 49–55.