Bom Jesus do Monte, Sameiro and the historical and archaeological heritage in braga (North of Portugal)


  • María Constanza Ceruti National Scientific and Technical Research Council (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas)



Bom Jesús do Monte; Sameiro, Braga, Sacred landscape, Historical heritage


These pages offer an anthropological look at Catholic sanctuaries in mountains in the Alto Minho basin. The head of the region is located in the Roman-medieval city of Braga, whose notable cultural and architectural heritage is briefly described in the introduction. The symbolic dimension of Braga's landscape dates back to Prehistory and is built around hills and sacred fountains, as is characteristic in regions of Celtic tradition. This work focuses on the renowned baroque sanctuary of BomJesús do Monte and the basilica of Sameiro, both built on a hill overlooking Braga, which are analyzed in the context of other “mountain sanctuaries” characteristic of the historical-religious heritage of northern Portugal. 


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Author Biography

María Constanza Ceruti, National Scientific and Technical Research Council (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas)



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How to Cite

Ceruti, M. C. (2024). Bom Jesus do Monte, Sameiro and the historical and archaeological heritage in braga (North of Portugal). Teoría Y Práctica De La Arqueología Histórica Latinoamericana, 19(1).