Juan Bialet Massé: Archeology Of His Lime And Hydraulic Works (1884-1892)


  • Ana Rocchietti Historical Archeology Studies Center. Faculty of Humanities and Arts National University of Rosario. Argentina




Archeology Fábrica Primera rgentina;, Bialet Massé;, Industrial limes;, Process


An important part of the industrial development of the capital of the Province of Córdoba and its neighboring areas took place in relation to the irrigation of the so-called Altos of the city and with the damming of the Cosquín and San Roque rivers, at the headwaters of the Suquía (river First), the one that gave rise to the dedication of Lake San Roque. The Primera Argentina lime factory, whose owner and designer was Juan Bialet Massé, was part of an industrialization process. In the space that was its headquarters there are vestiges that allow us to reconstruct the splendor and end of a pioneering company. The archeology of the "Primera Argentina" factory, which was located on that property, as a center for the production of hydraulic lime from the surviving structures, is addressed here in order to integrate historical and archaeological studies. This presentation describes the character of the records obtained.


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Author Biography

Ana Rocchietti, Historical Archeology Studies Center. Faculty of Humanities and Arts National University of Rosario. Argentina


Revista Teoría y Práctica de la Arqueología Histórica Latinoamericana - Pachacamac, Perú



How to Cite

Rocchietti, A. (2022). Juan Bialet Massé: Archeology Of His Lime And Hydraulic Works (1884-1892). Teoría Y Práctica De La Arqueología Histórica Latinoamericana, 16(1), 73–92. https://doi.org/10.35305/tpahl.v16i1.192

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